We discover, you feel better


At INFORA we are working to help provide insightful care for patients suffering from Rhuematoid Arthritis.

Our technology is easy to use and can provide crucial insights in assisting your current treatments.

See if INFORA can help.

Get Started

Join INFORA and you'll receive a free information packet along with your new account information. Getting started is simple, and the sooner you join the quicker we can begin to curate your personalized treatment insights.

Consult with your RA specialist to see if INFORA can help you manage your inflammation and pain.


For Patients

Sign up with INFORA to recieve your information guide about what we do and how you can get started using our system.

For Specialists

If you're a Rheumatologist or autoimmune specialist, contact us to see how our tools can help you treat your patients.

General Information

For any other inquiries, feel free to email us at